I don’t care. I just find it funny her skin was so thin. Imagine if this was a roast room. 🤣
I want her to drop in my gc😆😆😆
I find her cute but just my opinion
I’ve seen worse looking ladies although she definitely a bot probably
Bru I don't care if a woman is worse looking ill give you a 5 if you have confidence and feel comfortable in your own skin
Hope everyone’s day is swell
Thank you. I hope your day is super swell too
Can’t rate, too pretty. Brain no worky
Tf you dotting for $n0w Bu\\y ❄️
Your type? You have a type?
Different strokes different folks
I could do with a kfc, especially the new ricebowl
I eat fast food a lot because of my job lmao
I just tried a zachbys Chicken Philly. And it’s like drugs 🥵 so good