I can decide which I want
I'm going to go with the death wish plus an expresso shot
Ithe other is mocha macchiato
>>> Okay - I asked this in another channel...b...
Including anime?
Now do you mean best by as in generally most popular or do you mean it as in our preference?
So we goin to lamp's place to get drunk?
>>> Ok but how do ya tie one
By getting a clip on
They got videos for that if ya really want to try
>>> Saaaaame! I've got a bottle of bourbon in ...
So drinking at your place and not lamps?
Shoot I'm jelly of lamps bread
Hey is there a legal defense for sleep walkers? Just curious
Aww d@mn skinny and an awesome beard... No fair
>>> I’ve got a feeling this could be exciting....
How's it going in Nigeria? Lol
Eff it I'm in too much of an @$$ hol3 mood I'ma go to bed....
Night all