>>> i feel bad as soon as she gets sad after i...
Me too I hate it and he puts his tail down
>>>📷 aww omg she's so cute what's her name??
>>> Her name is Mika
That's so cute it matches her alot
>>> yess but she’s way bigger now lol just as ...
Me too I have a 9 month old puppy who is bigger then some grown dogs bc his breed
His dad is a king Sheppard and his mom is German Sheppard
He's almost as tall as me when he stands on his 2 paws I mean maybe it's bc I'm short but idk
>>> Anybody close to nc? 😭😭😭
>>> Waffle House is always dirty
Is it just me who hasn't tried waffle house
They don't have it where I'm from
Lol here in cali it's so hot
>>> Cali is on fire & I’m sorry bout that
Yeah I'm staying in Texas rn bc the fires
And I couldn't bring my dog with me
>>> How’s everyone’s Friday going
I've never even touched snow lmfao
I should leave California and move too like Canada or something
Well if you don't know it's on fire rn so it's not vert nice