and shiet he was doing a hybrid kit before they were cool
dude lives, breaths, and probably cums music
his cum can probably open your third eye
lots of new music coming out this year. good year for metal ๐ค๐ป
did y'all hear the recent tool controversy? some lawyer who is a tool fan is trying to get people in on a class action lawsuit ๐
Tool did two shows that were supposed to be unique 10 song sets. both nights had 4 of the same songs. so this lawyer dude is suing
and the second night they ended the show early because people weren't happy about some duplicate songs
worst lawyers are the ones that know their client is guilty af or allegations made are false
you have to be a pos to do some jobs tho
lawyers have put innocent people in prison and let guilty pedophiles and murderers walk free
even that dude sueing tool. massive tool fan but you gonna sue your favorite band over something pedantic?