Yeah need to come to terms that he won't choose you over his family. That's just how it is in most cases. For the girl to have texted you he must have given then number to his mother and she then gave it to her.
She doesn't need to meet you to know that's she doesn't want you with her son and that's the harsh reality of the situation
The way I see it, the onus was on him to be truthful to his mother about his relationship with you. If his mom made an arranged marriage that means he kept his relationship with you a secret
Unfortunately it's already been decided from the looks of things. If he was to choose between you and his family he would have chosen you by now. The fact that no choice has been made is also a choice in itself
I know it's not what you want to read or hear. But the sooner you realize he was just delaying the inevitable and stringing you along the better it will be for your healing process to get over the hurt and the betrayal
I know it's not easy for you to understand what is happening but a son, especially a mothers first born is the last ever love of her life. And trust me you don't want to come between that bond
I really hope you can find a peaceful resolution to this situation
5 years is a marriage if you ask me...
Some marriages these days don't even last 5 years
However the romantic in me feels like you should talk to his mom with your mom
But remember a marriage has already been arranged. And also I feel like you are asking the same thing over and over
Have answered as best as I can
It isbut she has to come to terms with it. There's already an arranged marriage in place
The mothers mind is made up
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
He should have told you the way things work in his faith from the beginning
He should have spoken to your parents long ago if his intentions were pure. It's all about his intentions and from the look of things his intentions were not to marry you
It's difficult to explain but it's different for everyone.