Half my family is tan and I stick out like a sore thumb
Alrighty then I will stay ghost like 👍🏻
Well it’s a good thing I got 7 tats already lol, now I just need to update my wardrobe
Plus the red hairhelps lol
Guess I should get another tattoo for my birthday. It’s been a hot minute
August, so I got awhile to save up for it. Also start my new job tomorrow! Had to spend a hundred bucks on just shirts and even then I only got 4! Bruh why is everything so expensive
Health and safety advisor for a local company. Big bucks! I’ll have to see if I can I don’t know if we can do that here honestly
Sometimes I wonder but my dads white lol
But also apparently blue eyed and brown eyed parents can’t have green eyed kids. Guess what colour eyes I got lol
Well it was HR that interviewed me, I was one of the only ones interested and had enough experience for the position. Should be good though! Thank you
Thank you! Should be good everyone has been nice sofar
We are the rare ones! Huzzah 🎉
I am bored. I should be apartment hunting. How are you?
The betrayal!!! I’d move him back
Hmmmm watching a movie and then promptly falling asleep before it’s half way through? That’s my plan anyways
I still haven’t made it to the desert, I keep forgetting about it.
Whatcha studying?
Oooh that’s fun! How much longer do you have to go on that?
I need to get more stuff for the totems
That is a solid plan! Get the jump on em and the rest will be a cake walk