Eating out is overrated more love at home. Always about the love
Shhhh Boo stay out of it I’ll take you out to eat
He’s sweet and never bites even when I give him baths and clip his nails
He don’t like it though and he will tell him by nonstop meowing
I think it should be illegal to own a husky if you aren’t in a northern part of the world or state
They should be kept only in cold weather so glad we’re in Canada
You’d be surprised about how many huskies there are in Florida and it’s disgusting
Hard to train animals definitely not a first time dog for someone who has never owned one
It should be looked at as abuse, but it’s not and it’s sad. Nobody’s about love clearly.
To keep One in a hot weather, I wouldn’t even talk to you as a person if you owned a husky and you lived in Florida
Means you have no love or care for anybody but yourself
Your feelings are valid, but I love you
So who’s part of the band the simps I feel like it’s a good play on the smiths. I play pianokeyboard
Anybody play instruments or sing