Can't find the time to read what with college and all
>>> It's about a guy who does vague insurance ...
>>> The lazy has taken over 😭
They call me the lazy
Can I rest my head on them?
>>> No what if they say… ewh get away from me ...
They'd be lying, you don't wanna be with a lier, don't you?
>>> 😭😭 I’d just cry tbh
>>> I’ll just admire from afar like I do now ?...
What if someone wants you though
>>> You guys are beautiful 🤗
No you
Nah own it anddo a buzz cut
Never liked vaping that much
>>> I don’t get the hype with smoking
Bad habit, started cigs cause I was depressed
>>> I could replace it with sucking
Watcha suckling
>>> oh valid but idk. even when I’m at my lowe...
That's great tbh, I never had thought I'd be a smoker tbh
Because I had never started as young as my other friends plus my father is a heavy smoker
>>> But now I’m broke 😭🤣
Starting from the bottom
>>> You didn’t miss much 😂
Naah I wanna see
I feel like I've seen you before
>>> I think about my wife with another guy
I can be that guy