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🤎✨Black Goddess’✨🤎

this was like 3,
real cracked eggs
Looks like a mf a have gas for the rest of the day after eating those
I ain't gone lie them btchs do look good though, but they are a little big. I'm Js, but I still would've tore them up.
What kind of cheese 🧀 you put in those eggs 🥚???…
Yeah those the eggs u just throw in-between some bread
Bro said they look big tho and idk why its funny 🤣
Lol I'm js. But you right. They really are them eggs you throw in between some bread. Make the best sandwiches
Ngl I gotta an idea to try
Hol up I gotta go write this down
This could be big
Sounds like something nice.
I'ma order a these boots what y'all think
Uping the style a lil bit
All this dang pollen
Bees must be working overtime
U gotta snort the pollen like it's 1989
Sounds like a death wish
Snort it up ur booty hole
Snort it up ur booty hole
There's a technical term for that
Mix it with Benadryl to keep it from swelling
i used like like sliced cheese instead of shredded it was good but hellllllla cheesy like hella
Don't forget to hydrate
Hey yall
What's up dawg
Nothing much
I feel so tired
Hii Doctors
Why u tired tho
I could agree
Hi lawyer
I need a lawyer
Makes sense