Why is Acrimony's name newbie on my end? 🤔
I'm trying to hide from Mob
Oh 😂😂 nice. I thought it was a glitch or something
I think it's the other way around LOL
Mob trying to hide from acrimony
I'm just trying to hide from my responsibilities
Every day is a good day to hide 😂
I’m getting more weed today then being a bum after work
>>> Mob trying to hide from acrimony
Time to make some breakfast
Hope you like French toast
Hello. Anyone near Charlotte?
Starbucks is so cute sometimes
What did you get to drink Secret?
How do you fail at french toast?
Kids said they didn't like it 🤷😂
I'm like... Are you even my children?
Oh, your kids are definitely strange
Well that they come by honestly 😂
I make mine with eggs, cream, cinnamon, vanilla extract. Then top with fruits and sometimes a sprinkle of powdered sugar
They're super picky about their foods. Drives me nutz.
my kids don’t like french toast either tbh
not real french toast anyway
must be from ur genetics hen
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