I’m a little mixed but it’s because I get some validation kick and cause it’s kinda hot
Am I really the one causing anything? Or am I just facilitating with no actual responsibility to uphold their thing? Ya knooooooo
I’m not but I noticed a pattern where I’m a pretty easy side piece and I have mixed feelings about that lol
I guess I got a lot of fingers that could be pointed at me but really shouldn’t it be pointed elsewhere
Like at the people actually in a relationship. Aren’t I doing them a favor? Mostly her lol
Probably says something about me
Why is the expectation that I should let it go by for the sake of some weak relationship idk
Not denying but I don’t own the shame of it well
If I was a woman,I’d have bought my mother a house with my of money
Feels like the standard is shifting with social media and stuff
I think about romance and the fling is a little romantic for those involved
It’s difficult for me to feel responsible for someone else’s agreements ya know?
Okay okay resume your normal sadnesses I wasjust curious