This is North Dakota, dontcha know
We actually fix our problem politicians
They can't do the job, buh bye
Woke do nothing but waste brain cells
Allowing them to indulge in their delusional view that they're a cat doesn't help them
I know, as a vet, I defended that right
I don't see red or blue. Black, white, red, yellow, brown, pokadot. None of it matters
I see military and civilian
I had to keep quiet about my knee to join
But it was the best experience of my life. Plus I encountered every kind of religious and political views in basic
I came to understand that the only thing that was important was who had your back
You show that you're willing to support them and they'll be your buddy for a long time
One buddy is a marine and he knows he gets bad when drunk
We probably have more bars and liquor stores than restaurants
Not even learns the best. Like everything else, there are the @ssholes
The chair force is a distinguished group
Just like the nasty girls, weekend warriors, temp troops