It’s a four letter word use to express fake feelings that no one can explain because someone told you at some point in your life that love exist. Sorry you were lied to.
Whatever you say. You can live in fantasy land all you want
Then you recognize now that it ain’t real?
I don’t think hate is real either. It’s just habitual characteristics people were taught
Sure. But if you are using a movie with a fake story line and character as an example then you prove my point. It’s something you are taught
Which again is money thrown into something to capture an audience and make money and give out fake feelings and character traits
What that shows is two people using eachother for personal pleasure
All it is, is the human dna and biological need for self preservation
You have it backwards but sure
It’s chemical effects that cause the emotions due to the bodies response to short term or long term events happening.
Things that can’t be explained by science is because we weren’t meant to have that type of knowledge and power. And this love thing and chemicals is explained by science and people use it to exploit others all the time.
If they are proven then how is it inaccurate