Are you getting better or worse?
Ex wife and stalker mami!
Oh damn! Have you taken anything or are you riding it out?
Tbh I’m the same. I always just let it do its thing. I hate how sleepy medicine makes me and it usually doesn’t help either
Happy Tuesday Wednesday!!
I’m doing well, how are you?
I’m distressing with my cat right now. She’s laying on me 🥺🥺
Idk if that’s a real word actually
As long as you know what i meant lol
Aw i have a granny dog too! Shes17
Mines a chihuahua so she’s still probably got another year left.
She’s fully blind now,and trips a lot but she doesn’t seem like she’s any pain
Yeah! I’m letting her live her life until i see signs of constant pain which hasn’t happened yet
Awww what are their life spans?
Awww that’s good at least! She seems like she’s in a good place
Since she was 6 months old. I think i was 19 when i got her and. Now im 36 so yes lol
Yes my little old grannie!
Kevs puppy is sooooo cute!
Awww so cute!! I love animals so much!
Awww! My puppy’s old but my other animals are young