So t0rah is word of GD yet it can be corruptd n mxlms say word of GD can't be corruptd. SMH
>>> We understand the Qur’an with the rules th...
Is qran uncreatd?
>>> How many verses are there in the bible
As many as m0m0 confirmed
>>> Well, Bukhari has about 7563.
About? Haha
And they say it's well preservd. Such a new book n still can't be preservd qran haha
>>> In the end, you admitted that you were def...
Only u didn't answr any
>>> The rest of your answers are your personal...
Just like h@diths
>>> So let everyone stop putting poison in hon...
Yeah that's why there's just 0ne hebrw country while more mxlm countries
>>> I've been talking to you this whole time w...
Oh p00r u. When will u undrstnd that he's doing tqqiya?(rhet0rical)
>>> Give me any hadith and I will tell you who...
I meant h@dith is a personal 0pinion of the auth0rs. See how u r so ready to answr this but not answr my qstn haha
>>> Because we, as Muslims, do not run after e...
Yeah you just pl@giarize
>>> You said they were small gods
Oh my, som0m0 agrees they were sm@ll allhs since he confirmed it?
It's funny how mxlms thr0w even m0m0 under the bus to make excusez🤣🤣
>>> When and where he said thattt
Didn't m0m0 confirm the k!taab which was with the j's and the c's ?
>>> Omg so why you mentioned it
Exactly. Why you mention 'directly" when you can't pr0ve anything direct
>>> What is Hafs
Answr my question, where did !saa say he is the s0n of mariam and k@limat allh, directly. Not m0ther but mariam.
No coz hafs vs w0rsh has extra words like "hua" which shows that it's not the same
What makes a king a king?