Really? Thought you rode a turtle! 😝
You’ll live Polo it’s not that drastic
Possums have to dodge traffic here which is sad as I see so many dead possums either totally splatted on the road like a possum pancake or its carcass is on the kerbside
Gotta love that annoying doof music!!
I’m cleaning my place is that a clean chat 😜
Least my place is clean the mind however is very different 🤫
Tootz long time no see! Where have you been hiding out???
I don’t know how AU is going I’ve been hibernating from humanity lately
I found it amusing so I thought I’d share with others since sharing is caring you know
Hey Rebs 😌
Glad you see the amusing side of it
He is an Oompa Loompa and his skin is as orange as my speech bubble!
Go to sleep then turkey if ya in bed