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This whole app is all about pervy 🤣

This whole app is all about pervy 🤣
Eh not really
Ya I agree. Not the whole app. Theres some really cool ppl here
I hope so. I’m losing hope
Didn’t you just get it? Seems like it with the karma
I did I was just joking
I’ve talked to a handful out of hundreds lol
We Deff know one weirdo together hahahaha
👀💀 if you say his name 3 times he’ll show up lol
When I saw the duck after you I panicked 😂😂😂😂
Yeah ive met a couple ppl here that i still talk to
Have you ever met any irl?
Yeah one lol
I might hang out with a girl from here like in 2 months. But idk if I’d meet a guy. I feel like something bad would happen hahahaha
Yeah i met up w a girl i talked to on here for a while 😭
It didn’t go well? 😩
Yeah it did it was just long distance tho so yeah. We met up like 3 times
Awwww 😩