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Heather has one of those; I’ve seen it

Heather has one of those; I’ve seen it
Already a plus!
Oof don’t be pimpin me out based on having a nose 😂😂 my ish is ugly anyways
His ish is ugly, too, but his F is fine
Can’t be if you have one 👀👀👀
Not all noses are cute
Do they have 2 holes??
Mine has 1
Good enough for me
Aye aye; I don’t wanna be saying what you gave so your DMs don’t get flooded 😂
They don’t get flooded anymore. But I usually just don’t reply also 😂😂 or I’m just a terrible person and forget to reply to friends so I gotta be bombarded to remember
Oh shi same, I should stop leaving you on read so much lmao
I reply to the girls cuz they are usually nice. But the guys are weird 80% of the time 😂😂😂
I'm only weird on demand, Heather. Just throwing that out there.
You’re ok being weird. I accept you haha
'Tis good to be accepted. 😂
Guess I fall into that 80%
Of courseeeeeeee
So im in! Yes!!
80% is the bad part ! 😂😂😂
That’s a B- I can get it to an A I swear
You’re already failing thinking it’s good to be in the bad 80% with the weirdos
I still got time 😋
You got a long ways to go to get from being in the crappy 80% you placed yourself into
You’re going lower and lower hyping him up to talk to his friends girl
Wait noooo. I need the A or my mom is going to beat me!
Not your mother. Lorddddd
She’s a demon out of hell when pissed. Tie me up and slap a horse butt type of crazy.
Maybe it’s time to be a man and move out.
Uhhhh I live alone lmao
Then don’t worry about what yo mom thinks 😂😂
Mom lives still matter!
My mom hunts fish for a living I don’t have a choice
It's called fishing
Nope; fish
I know you think I’m cute and all, ugh the pain; but vibing is a good dude. Just saying 👀
🥺 don’t go buttering me up now
You deserve happiness too brotha
Hit up his PMs haha
You did? 👀
I’m telling YOU to haha
I’ve been in them DMs 😮‍💨