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Sometimes I try to imagine myself with one and I taste vomit.

Sometimes I try to imagine myself with one and I taste vomit.
Just imagine you and me then you will taste cotton candy
I ate cotton canday today lol
If you and me, will taste durian
Durian. 🤢
Aaahhh another durian hater 😭😭
I don’t hate it. Never tasted it. The smell makes me nauseous.
The smell is delicious 🤤
What?? 🤢 I can’t even walk on the roads when those durian carts are lined up.
😭😭😭😭 whyyyyy. And here i am wanna bring you to eat durian. No wonder you failed 3 times
That’s not good for my no sugar intake diet.
No need to diet
But but my body looks this way because I am careful about what I put in my mouth 😩
I hope youre no doing no yen intake diet
It is. You said you are cotton candy. 🍭
Aawwww noooo