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Red lobster is the biggest idiot on anti by far

Red lobster is the biggest idiot on anti by far
I hate him, but no
Prove me wrong
On some topics, easy, but since your curious and all, and actually look forward to learn stuff, respect
I need to use brainpower to read this
I need to use brainpower to read this
I know it’s a difficult task for you so take your time
This actually makes sense. Every country has its own political systems, and we should respect Americas.
Shut up, no one cares
Unfortunately, they will say that I’m stupid on my name. Call me a logical Sam racist shoot my dog, but it is what it is.
You, my friend, are talking a wall then.
im tired bro
Leave it to be then
Unfortunately, they will call me stupid spit on my name. Shoot my dog call me illogical or racist but you know it is what it is.
Either crush them online(you will need to crush your conscience for that) or leave them to be and ignore those little sh!ts
Ignore these nuts in your mouth
I’d crush them, but ignoring is fine too