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I’m either a leech for being alive or selfish for killing mysekf

I’m either a leech for being alive or selfish for killing mysekf
Pack a bag with clothes a knife a water filter cooking pot tarp and blanket and start walking
Yah then I still would cause my mom a lot of pain knowing I just disappeared
Bro stop being an immature fuchjk u got two choises save up and move out so u face real life on your own all the chores responsabities and goals you on ur own
Bro, you don’t understand ok. I have physical problems making it impossible for me to work or even sleep eat and do things I want to do
This is not the chat to spill your heart out
second don't be leeching use them to Better u daam sorry winny ass go to either a trade school or either collegue do something for ur life take advantage of free rent free chores and free food don't be a daam fool what does it cost follow the house rules come on
Bro what are u even in about. I’m saying leeching because that’s what it’s called
is called like that if u not using it at ur advantage parents instincts is to see its kids twice p