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I hate myself 😔

I hate myself 😔
Yh I don’t know how to feel alive anymore
try new hobbies
Good idea but I’m not good at anything besides art 🤔
what kind of art?
Painting and drawing
thats great 😊 but u should try more things! can be fun 💗
Yhh I have social anxiety so probably not lol
oh 😿😿😿 thats tough
Yhh going to college is difficult sometimes
i bet 😿 my brother is like that, he coudnt go to college bc of that
Aww I’m sorry to hear that is he okay
yes yes, he has tism so its hard for him to do simple things 😿 but hes fine
Okay that’s good you are so sweet by the way🤗
u are 😚💗
Aww ☺️
he loves cheese 😹
he loves cheese 😹