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like princeton

like princeton
no youd be a keith
fk no keith sounds like a guy that owns a car shop out of the back of his house
Yo if I could have a car shop in th back of my house I’m taking Keith any damn day of the week
you’ll always smell like pringles and have black hands
It’s fine aslong as you’re into that
no i imagine my future husband being a pilot so one day they’ll be like yeah he crashed and died and then everyone will be like oh no ur pilot husband and then yeah idk where i was going with that
you gotta get your adhd checked out
they literally said it’s fine only slightly severe just barely tho so i’m good
my soul mate
Honestly if I was trying to impress you I’d rent a food truck
yea i was jokin in family guy there's a joke where they say keith is the least sxy name
If I was a girl my name would be Rosa parks