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Someone told me to rp with them, and when i did, they said i was bad at it

Someone told me to rp with them, and when i did, they said i was bad at it
It takes practice
It’s hard to do it when you’re not too interested in the topic
That’s true 🥰🥰 hard to find ppl w the same kinks 🙈
I’m pretty open to stuff but prefer some kinks to others 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’m pretty difficult 🙈 I only like RPs that fill my fantasies 🙈
Why else would you rp tho that’s why we do it
Lately, i been having several people message me about their fantasies, some of which were super extreme
What kinds
Fot me interested too 👀
What’ are your kinks
Can’t say that in here 😂
Weooooooo ❤️❤️❤️
Long time no seeeee🥲
I know happy to see your back 🥰🥰
I missed you
Noooooo you didn’t
We’ll not like couldn’t sleep but when I saw your name I was like awww I missed him