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America is coming back big time thanks to our brilliant leader Donald Trump!!! 🇺🇸 Soon we will own Greenland, Canada 🇨🇦, the Panama Canal (aka the American Canal) and much much more!!! All liberals will be punished harshly and without mercy!!! The great purification is coming!!! 💪🏻

America is coming back big time thanks to our brilliant leader Donald Trump!!! 🇺🇸 Soon we will own Greenland, Canada 🇨🇦, the Panama Canal (aka the American Canal) and much much more!!! All liberals will be punished harshly and without mercy!!! The great purification is coming!!! 💪🏻
The dream
Soon a reality!!! All Canadians will bow down before us Americans 🇺🇸
Just you wait
I know you took shroom have an amazing trip
It’s high way to hell 🎵
Wtf bro😂
Yeah I Hope so You Will work for me
Good stuff