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ohh what’d you even do 😭

ohh what’d you even do 😭
i wasn’t here when she got banned bruh
i wasn’t here when she got banned bruh
your stupidity creates enemies
your stupidity creates enemies
your stupidity creates enemies
your stupidity creates enemies
awww gee thx 😋
awww gee thx 😋
not my fault you’re stupid plus how was that even being a pick me
you didn’t mention my career at all dumbahh
you didn’t mention my career at all dumbahh
exactly cus it’s right fkn idiot
exactly cus it’s right fkn idiot
is that not the right thing to do? also i INCLUDED MYSELF
is that not the right thing to do? also i INCLUDED MYSELF
that’s not being a pick me bruh
that’s not being a pick me bruh