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Who’s trying to e date

Who’s trying to e date
and the funniest thing is she is infinitely prettier than you. smarter. nicer. all i ever used you for was a distraction and a way to stroke my own ego i mean for starters she isn't a loser who lives with her parents, no job and no license. spending all day talking to strange men on chat apps beyond that tho, she doesn't go out clubbing every weekend like a wh0re
and the funniest thing is she is infinitely prettier than you. smarter. nicer. all i ever used you for was a distraction and a way to stroke my own ego i mean for starters she isn't a loser who lives with her parents, no job and no license. spending all day talking to strange men on chat apps beyond that tho, she doesn't go out clubbing every weekend like a wh0re
is this another?😭
Yup real ezpz quote
another to the list
Thanks Ai
It’s not ai, it’s EZPZ bby
Might as well be😂