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It is sausage

It is sausage
Roll. Dip. Gimme 5
I only got 1
Not nuff
Nah , it’s mega size
Na. Quantity >>>
Omw im finna show u da size of da sausage
Yours is too small
How u no
A magician doesn’t reveal his secrets
Wat kinda shiit u on ladyboy
She wantdssssss ya. Don’t re
Ya did attack first 🤣
Ya did attack first 🤣
lol getcha but then take whatcha dish
lol getcha but then take whatcha dish
Lobsta wants ya take her
Cause she doesn’t care either way. You’d have to be the eighth woner of the world for her to care and it’d only be like wtf?
Damn the disrespect
Ion wanna see