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Rage’s skin is alligator tough, ridged like battle worn leather, but press your palm to hers . . .she is silk disguised as armor, her heart bleeding softness beneath the shield. 🐊💀

Rage’s skin is alligator tough, ridged like battle worn leather, but press your palm to hers . . .she is silk disguised as armor, her heart bleeding softness beneath the shield. 🐊💀
You and your poems. I like it !! Thanks
Is this a new poem ?
I’m a gayyytorrrrr
No. It is her skin diagnosis.
We should write a novel 💀
Is this an invitation? 🌚
What do you like to write about most? 👀
I write Fantasy Romance
And we can add dark fantasy morally complex elements into it and it’ll be become something I can work with. 🙋🏽‍♀️
Ooo what kind of dark element