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Чаты для взрослых и 30+/

🖕🏼iT iS WoT iT iS🥃

You little jail bird...
Was nice to see that I’m reported for speaking my mind and blocking the Murr 🤣🤣
After they blocked me.
Fucking bots.
That sucks
Did you pick up the soap in jail? 🤣
Naw never dropped it.
Just had a sad little bitch try to step up
Cause I’m 40. And old.
Then she blocked me like a pussy.
>>> Fucking feisty today I am. I like it! 🤘
>>> Cause I’m 40. And old. Scratch the second part. You are not old
I started feeling old last week.
But I just realized that I’m just getting better.
Me too
Getting better with age.
Like a fine fucking wine.
I’m off for tonight.
Laters. 🤘🏻🖕🏼🥃
To the Winchester
iOS App seems to be working
Not for me
It just started working for me this morning
Heya everyone 🥰
Hoot 😘🥃
Pixeva 😘🥃
Newbie needs to change their name please
Pffffftttttt 😆😝
Newbie will do what she wants. 😌 and I feel like I don’t want to do anything anymore right now 😌
The room boss will hammer you if she finds out - very insistent on the name rule
I am the boss.
Universe boss.
Universe Boss
That I am.
Me contemplating the universe.
Life the universe and everything
Everything for sure.
I just need summer to be here. I miss my garden 😅🤣
And the beach. And Sun 🤣
Good morning
Good aftenoodles
Almost evenings