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Хобби и интересы/


I mean.. I'm surprised we don't get banned for trash talking it..
You ok there, sparky?
I’m gonna try and get an hours sleep or something
I shall be back and hopefully there shall be no fire
You got this
Stay safe.
Thanks mate
I’m quite tired I should have an early night
I get the arse when I’m tired
>>> I’m quite tired I should have an early night Good night
You guys get some rest
I hope it is refreshing
Ok 😌
I’ve only been awake a few hours but naps are awesome lol
Yes. Yes they are.
Good Afternoon
I might need a nap
Mom takes so many naps
Im jelly
I mean I’ll rub your back until you fall asleep 😂
I’m mom
Lil hummmmmaaaannnnn 🤗
Are you fire Donki?
Fire is still out of control but rains just come
Another few houses have been lost
That must be so stressful
Sorry J
Im happy you and your mom are safe
I think my house will be all safe I’m just not sure when I can go home because a lot of roads are closed and there’s still precautions and warnings
Thanks mate I appreciate it
What are you guys up to?
I just finished eating leftovers
What were the leftovers?
Can’t wait to eat today hahah
Filipino soup. I don’t think you would be familiar.
I waited too long to eat so now I devoured that and moved onto candy
Both sound great to me
You’re just hungry
Im hungry
Lunchy time?
I have not much in my fridge
Im thinking what to make
What are your options
>>> What are your options This
Open that fridge and pantry