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>>> the troll ? bots
wait does that mean u also know patata?
omg how i can forget patataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so lonngggggggggg timeeeeeee
i was in first on the room with patata . you come later ahahaa
>>> omg how i can forget patataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahaha what did she do to be unforgettable
>>> i was in first on the room with patata . y... yes 😆 I'm glad a friend invited me to the room
wich city are you ?
i live in the province, but I'm at the city for work
i remembered u visited Philippines wahahah
yep maysbe i been close to you
I do Manila, banaue, Cebu and el nido
>>> yep maysbe i been close to you could've been but u chose not to surf 🏄🏼‍♀️ at Siargao and stayed at Luzon
ohhhh u went to Cebu!!
so close hahahhahahahaa
Cebu was very nice
I'm looking forward to going on a trip there on Oct 😩🤍
oh cooll
isn't El Nido better tho?
el nido is very nice for party ans tourist
But Cebu is more like a city
didn't u say you'd party a lot? 😂
of course. karaoke
Filipino like singing
Filipina too ahaha
hell ye we live for it
i agree
did u make friends when u were here?
people was so nice easy to talk and make friend
I'm glad the country made a good impression 😆
that was my best trip for now
are u still planning to go to Japan
I almost die in batad. but thats fine
mouahaha. japan is ok for next year. i finally get my ticket
i hope nothing will jeopardize the trip like before hahahahaha
>>> I almost die in batad. but thats fine what's batad
i pray for nothing jeopardize too
Batad is like banaue in more dangerous
a big rice terace
ooo how did u almost die
easy to fall and die lol
and the flipino tour guide say. Oh if you fall maybe you die; be careffu
i see. coz it's like a cliff
glad u didn't die! hahhahahahaha
i bought a t shirt : i survive to batad
never can forget this day
wahahahha to commemorate ur near-death experience 😂
climb like 8 hours