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Хобби и интересы/

🎮BBW Gamer Girls 🎮

Hello anyone here lol
Any girls here?
Sit on my face and play video games? 😂
Anybody play WoW?
>>> Anybody play WoW? Retail or classic?
>>> Sit on my face and play video games? 😂 😭
Pubg girls
Has anyone played the new assassins creed
Anyone valorant?
Asia region?
I’m intrigued by the giant rabbit looking creature but never seen it talked about 👁️👄👁️
hey all 🙂 hows it going?
Very quiet room
Make it loud
someone help me w genshin please i’m tryna learn 😪
I would If I played
Sowwie chalie
its okay i still got 33 immortals
I don’t know what that means but sounds gooood
Anyone wanna play fartnite toniiightuhhhh? Even though it’s ded af here ._.
What time were you thinking of playing ?
Like an hour and a halfish. I’ll be home around then
I should be able to play around that time as long as I’m not making dinner
Yerrr just lemme know. I’ll be on regardless
Will do
Anyone black ops 6??
I havnt touched that in so long lol
Does anyone play dead island 2?
I love that game it was a lot of fun
I just downloaded it last night
I liked dead island 1 more but 2 was fun
What’s the hype with that split fiction game
I was down to try it till I saw the clip of the pigs going to their ending ⚰️ 😭
I’ve seen so many clips for that game it looks like so much fun and crazy but in a good way