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Oh I see.
How was your day?
It was busy but good. About to go home and relax.
How was yours?
Hi everyone
Glad to hear that 😊
My day was good too 😊
Detailed role-play?
I’m glad you had a good day 😊
>>> I’m glad you had a good day 😊 Ok, next time we go to the dollar tree I'm gonna buy you sumpin.
lol I thought I was paying
We'll take turns
>>> lol I thought I was paying I meant the time after that 😅
How bout I pay at the store and you pay me back by marking something off of the list?
That reminds me, I forgot to tell you
Tell me!
I'll have a list item in October
Oooh this is exciting!
I don't have them numbered
They have to have a level of importance buddy!
The list is in my head, I never wrote it down
Maybe that's something I should do 🤔
Well whatever works for you I guess lol
I mean if you remember it all then no need to right?
Well I don't want you yelling at me later 😭😅
😂 When do I ever yell at you?
All da time
Jk 🤣
Rude 😂
It’s a pm 🌚
Stalker! You’re back.
>>> Rude 😂 I'm teasing you
That’s youuuu
Nahhh it’s definitely you 😂
I know lol
>>> Pm PM for block
Not at all 🥹
Okay if I go to another group and you show up again we’ll know that’s a lie 😂
Well dang 😅
Hey everyone 😊