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Say my name say my name is
There’s your first suggestion 👆 max
Mac 😝
Ow do
Afternoon folks
Tony, squid, Paul 👋 you all well?
Good thanks Mac …. How are you?
Good too thanks Paul. Had a good weekend?
Good to hear it & yeah thanks .. busy but enjoyable weekend! Yours?
Not been too bad tbh quiet ish for a change
Hey hi hello
Hello hi hey
Hi hello hey
Hello hey hi
😂😂 I think that’s it now
Don’t think there’s anymore lol 😂
How’s Minnie doing?? X
Yeah she is alright thanks , plodding along , how have you been
Glad to hear iit Minnie …. Keep on plotting 😉 Alls good here too thanks
Hey hi hello
Nice to see you Minnie it’s been a while
I’m not plotting anything 👀
Hello smash
How’ve you been
Not bad thanks and yourself
Sound thank you
It’s odd being back but nice. I’m on the app too. It’s easy to get back
Nice 😂 really ?
Not really
It bores the truppeny bits off me
I like to change my name and troll people
Didn’t you used to hate trolls ?? And now you are one 🤔
Nah I hate the bots and the ones who cause upset
I more post memes and stuff. Not here to like cause upset
You just said you troll people lol
Ah well
Idk tbh I’m just here for banter
Fair enough