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Lucky YOU!
I'm rather obsessed with the Species, myself...
Thanks mate
And avocado
Olivia.... does the date of September 3 (or 4th in your part of the world) 2024 mean anything to you?
lol I don’t think so should it?
No... not necessarily.... just checking.
Room name change? Also 👋
Greetings... Yeah, that happened a couple of days ago.
*sits on the floor with a huge tub of popcorn*
Good Morning...
The Shining?
Iiiiit’s Johnny!
Hello there
How are you doing this morning?
I’m tired and you ?
Awwww.... Well, You know me.... always on the lookout for Kindred to associate with... 😏
Right lol
Y'know... I've found at least 10 since last we really talked....
Several more than that if you count the ones whom I'd already known and were actually turned after that time....
A total of 25, in all...
Ahh okay
Yeah... but always watching for more... 😌
I've kept a permanent presence in the Lair, as Caretaker, in case any should pass through...
I know... I sound CRAZY... I'm okay with that... 😌
What a scroll
Hi livi how’s the weather over theee
I guess its cool that you found it amusing.
Hello all
It's been awhile
Hello ya
Good morning to everyone especially sweetie