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Hi Ria
Good morning everybody
Morning birds chirping coffee drinking.
How are y’all roomies ?
Starr 🤗 🤗 How are you ?
Starr. It’s been a minute
I'm ok DZ how are you?
It has been Arch. Have you been well?
Good to hear Starr. So am I thanks ?
I’ve been working a great job for minimal pay no respect. But other than that I’m great. Thank you.
It’s just been a busy couple days. Couple more busy weeks. Getting ready for certification
You've got this my friend. You can do anything!!
Thanks. We do it every year about this time. So it training after training
Any fun plans for the weekend?
Important training and refreshing training.
Yes it’s K9.
Of course.
I'm glad you do what you do though. They are so important.
It’s only 8 in the morning. What to do today
Good morning
Wow I had a crazy morning lol
What happened?
Hopefully not Keir Starmers PR, that must be pretty crazy at the moment
I know what happen lol I was waken up and then I said no go back to sleep cause my phone was by me and then I found a pen in my bed
>>> It’s only 8 in the morning. What to do today Was only 5 am here so I took a nap. Lol
Ok Starr coffee time
I didn’t have coffee
Hi all
Good afternoon
Hi vemon
How's you
Hey folks 😊
Anyone wants to chat with me privately??
You can chat in here
I agree with pinky (also, hey pinky)
you can chat here or be banned
Chenged To North!! ...hiya 🤗🤗
Hiya Aaron 🤗🤗
Good night to you