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Здоровье и поддержка

Spot on
hi guys wich is bette to train calves, legpress or smiths?
I guess it depends on your physique
Bb! Super duper exhausted
How’s you??
Sleep deprived
Anyone up for fun
Why u angry?
Who is angry
Why is angry
It can work if u meet in at least three months the longest
Online rolepaying a whole relationship isnt a ldr
Some marry even
It’s usually more active when little doves get home from school and their daddies get home from work lol.
This room has been dead for a long time
Hi room
>>> You might need a sick leave and profession... I'm seeing the doc today
>>> Apply for fmla There's no fmla for men where I'm from
>>> There's something called Americans with di... I don't live in the U.S. but if I told my employer I have a mental illness they'll say least fire me or worse sue me
I could definitely use some mental health support
I'm sorry man
What's the issue exactly?
Just try your best, if it has to happen, there’s not much that can prevent it from happening. Right? Just try your best to maintain a relatively balanced lifestyle 🥰🥰🥰