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Why ?
Poi mirror nok cheka
Change aku, jelly fish will look cyite on u
Nthada nee cute alleee🤣
>>> Poi mirror nok cheka U see yourself u see yourself in the mirror 🤣
>>> Change aku, jelly fish will look cyite on u Onum available alla mole
Web aano
I’m ugly
Webilum patoola
All avatars are available for me
Enkum available
But these stickers are cute tta
My donkey cutie is the cutest one 😍
Ew green donkey is ugly
Ente sheep ne vellunna stix onum ivide illa tta
Sheep sucks Unnatural sheep having blush over the wool
Better than a green donkey
I wonder who made that
Most cute one. Look at that hairstyle and cute lil face
Ti , send that cute sticker of octo
The best
The flirty look one
>>> Ukulelelelu 🌚🌚
>>> ***** വെറുതെ സന്തോഷിച്ചു
Halo guys
I'm here to say something
Enik ban kittiya karyam elarum arinjalo
I'm leaving this group, this is the second time getting banned for no reason "with stockings" en parayane ithra velya thetta ano ariyala anyways it was nice talking with you all ,hope to see you all in any other group and to the person who banned me ethelum undel nerit paraya, be a gentleman this is not how u react - banned by superman
Idli dosa sambar , chutney chutney?
Totally confused!
Enikum karanam illathe idakide ban qqn