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What do you wear sevret?
Jeans and T shirts. Or sweat pants. I’m basic.
hi secret
i needa savana cat
A what?
I bet you look good
No lol
I don’t wear skirts either
Morty wear thong?
I don’t man
Me either
“Mom! That salesman is on tv!”
Yes why did you separate us
Are you in your villain arc 🥲
Chow chow
Jamemususan uwu
What’s up
In this curb we all fam
Hungry right now
I’m hungry too
Then eat this knuckle sandwich
Your own
Every movie, every series and every drama I come across is people cheating Even love stories are people cheating on people they were committed to and going after their so called “true love” Our societies are sick!!
That’s why I’m not dating. No one is loyal, and i am.
That’s not a solution though secret
It is for me
i am loyal and no one else is, so i Am not dating
Thank goodness
I’m not dating because ppl have no courtesy to let you know in advance that they are not going to show up for the date
I'm not dating, because I have no woman, who's willing to date me 🤘😔🤙
I’m dating the same girl for almost two years now and you all know how it is 😀