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WWifey Material 💍😘

Those are the worst but it was probably not even you
You weren’t that guy
I take it seriously, thats why Im single lol
Depends on women
It's always an individual choice, free will & sh1t
True that
I've just found over the years it's more women who can't just focus on the one person & have caused relationships to end
Dont take it personally
It’s honestly people, Ive realized that you just gotta keep dating till you find that person
& I'm not here to whinge, far from it. But that's the question I've been asking cause it does tend to dictate what happens in the future. Is it worth investing in manogomy anymore?
It is when you find the right person
I'd rather be with just the one person. We've all done playing the field at some time. It's fun but ultimately not self fullfilling
I dont even waste my time anymore, I can gauge guys by first dates etc
Sh1t... Listen to me talking like a real grown up lol
The worse thing about being single now is I told my friends that if it didn't work out I was done with women. But I don't want to be celebrant lol
Cause I'm a sh1t cook 😭
Just hook up lol
Hook up means Use and throw?
Oh dear
Your not an Aussie are you ? 😉
Sure. You sound like a good sort
Im not aussie lol
Are you?
>>> Oh dear Me??
Aussie az mate
Whos up for a chat
Im American
. . U r. ..
Iam Indian
That explains it
So multicultural
... & I'm in favour of mixing races. It would solve all conflicts if we have relatives in many different countries.
Can't nuke then, granny lives there, can't nuke so & so cause I've got a half sister there.. so on and so forth
Until there's no where to nuke that doesn't affect the button pusher
Do you reckon that the button needs to be physically pushed these days or can it be done with an app for phone?
That's a pretty scary thought right? The President's niece has his phone cause U tube is down & she opens an app with a big reb button. On the screen
Hi there everyone
Native American hos up above
Any Indian wife pm
Any ladies?