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🌴Kerala🌎 Freedom chat 🕊️

Looking for a fun loving girl
Hoii!! Anne, you here?? Budd
Married man 👋
If there is a Good looking butter flai avi married man, pm me
Damnn!! Unblock me na yaar... See I had to come all the way to this group to get to chat with you, so that you could atleast see! Now everybody thinks am crazy (not that I care of) but still!! You don't have to be that stubborn with me
Moo 🐮
You seem pretty excited!!ExChup
Nah chill, nobody thinks ur crazy!
>>> Nah chill, nobody thinks ur crazy! Seriously! As if I care
Defo yeh. I have all rights to be excited. Im a secular democratic republic
Aardey ivn🙄
Verthalla blockyth poye
Am here to search of my girl, who's actually in this group
Carry on
>>> Verthalla blockyth poye Are ya mallu??
I see!! So what do ya do??
Block ppl
What's so funny?? Kid
Kid huh 😂
Who u here for? Take names and i may be able to find them 🥸
U here for snoweieee?🤩
>>> Who u here for? Take names and i may be ab... Yes!! That would be really helpful
Would you do that for me??🥺
>>> U here for snoweieee?🤩 Don't know who that is and am not keen to know her either
Rood duh
May be yh
Ty ty
>>> Hlo Hi dear
Good morning all..
Snowie in prison
>>> Snowie in prison Again?