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100%. All women know how to make my life difficult 😂😂😂
😂😂😂 i am sure you are pure joy and sunshine.
Well we won't go that far😂
50% joy and sunshine..I need to keep the bar at a reasonable level😎
⚖️ balance is good
Always room
Oh..but not for you...come back in 9 years
Close, but yet so far
Conversation! Yessss
Of course I missed it 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hi Angela
How are you Gg?
I’m doing good. How are you?
🙄 I saw that... Happy Tuesday anyway
Happy Friday to everyone else! 🤪
Lol. Happy Friday Sock 😂
Hi sock
Too young Zazu
Who got banned?
No Zazu too young….
Anyone want some Ice Cream?
You're too young🙄
Education isnt what it used to be
What kind of ice cream?
Whatever you go get for us 😂
Darn. I cannot remember the last time I got ice cream
Then its definitely time to get some!
I was waiting for you to get some
I did. But I ate it all before I got back. Oops😬😇
That's why You need to go get it 😂
Darn 😔
Ghost is the ice cream hero
Nothing makes a day better than a little ice cream treat🙃
Sure can’t hurt
Aww thanks Ghost 🤗
Pours chocolate and strawberry topping on him and... I mean, on the ice cream😏
Hello all
Windy weather here in Tennessee
Sure is Tracy
Doing some maintenance on my drill rig
Lol Sock
🤷🏻‍♀️ what? Who wouldnt want a vehicle that has a wrecking ball hook, lol
What tollway you need a wrecking ball hook?
All of 'em 😂