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2000s brows >
would still hit
Any ladies in los angeles area
What's up who's by the 559
no one
559 is trash
I need sum hed
Hell yeah its trash but this trash is home lol
Home sweet dome
Where abouts are you from
Riverside here
Heyyyy any cool girls on here?
Booo riverside
Don’t boo me
That’s old bro
It’s 951 now
Boooo 951
Car what’s your problem
Did a girl leave you from that area
You sound crushed
Yes she did
No, bc you’re from there
If there a 900-999 it’s trash
Wasn’t me bro
Lev 👎
Cat 🤏
Lev is a tiny man
this year I’ve lost 100lbs as of today
You’re on a grind!
6’5 here
I gained like 40% of that 😿
>>> Who need 7 inches 🍌 Your mom
Gonna lose it all again tho 💀
My ancestors are Dutch
>>> 6’5 here Deep in your mom
Look up how tall they are
>>> Gonna lose it all again tho 💀 That’s that motivation right there
I’ve gone thru as many transformations as fousey tube ☠️
You’re small Cat if you’re only 6 inches
Losing is easy tbh. What’s not easy is having to do it for a year
I don’t like to take breaks lol
What’s good