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Climbed on my back
>>> Something u Americans got is fire accents ... My voice is high pitched as f^ck
>>> I… have you heard the southern accent loll Yeah I love hearing all the different accents
Nails on a chalkboard
And my height doesnt help it
I got friends in Oregon . Cali . Ny. Texas . All over
>>> My voice is high pitched as f^ck Oh I'd definitely hate you 😂
Naw ur accents be sexy stop it with the lies
Just smoke more cigarettes
How tall are you luci
>>> Just smoke more cigarettes Tryna thrive
>>> Just smoke more cigarettes Just stfu
>>> How tall are you luci Dw
Hi cow
Nice to see you too
Cute ass kitty tho
You’re giving off 5’5 or under
I love those gray Egyptians
>>> You’re giving off 5’5 or under Way under
>>> I love those gray Egyptians Mummies?
Who else? Inland empire
>>> Way under That’s hot
I mean
Damn I want some pork rinds
Thnx she’s grown now tho I got a cat with kittens rn too she give birth 3 weeks back
Get them fixed
I can send you links around la
I can’t if they are preggo
That do it for free
I’m from uk
Some bacon hot dogs
Or try your local shelter
Ugh that's not fair to her
Yall ever have a pickle hot dog
Chicken and waffles
Does she even want to get pregnant again
I think not
They’ll be done dw lol the rest are done it’s the black one that’s given birth her and the other black one need to be done but it’s gotta wait cuz they both recently had kittens
It’s a hot dog, but instead of a hot dog in the bread, it’s a pickle
I ain’t say she does