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I know you’re like 5’2
Its on my bucket list to smash a midget
don’t try to act all goody two shoes
are you 5’9 frog?
what’s the issue
You lowkey remind me of my BIL lmao
With midget parents
Spin her like a fidget spinner
why are you so pissed ?
>>> You lowkey remind me of my BIL lmao who?
it’s short to ME that doesn’t affect anyone
>>> You need to have a pp to have an opinion. Agreed
yeah we heard you
The bat with the pic
i’m not taking to you pest
i’m speaking to frog
>>> You lowkey remind me of my BIL lmao I got the acronym
>>> Agreed DAVE!!
you can hear me all day
I don't understand why short girls want to date men that are 6'0+
idk this chat has become too chaotic too
Joking ash lol
h>>> I don't understand why short girls want to… bc tall men are hot
Brother in law lol
Scooby is mad
was better when it was just me and the cows
I am your brother in law
now it’s a dumpster fire
i don’t get mad you’re not important
Lmao he’s American
I’m Russian
Oh I thought bat was simlmfao
i’m confused why ur upset about my preferred height preference
Dave help
Well I prefer hairy women
>>> h>>> I don't understand why short girls wa... Not all of them 😂 short guys are hot too
>>> Just go back to sucking that garbage guy o... who are you? LMFAO
What did I do?
i wasn’t talking to you mutt
oh he’s gone
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