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Bubu still in love?
Very much?
Hii whale
You meet someone from virtual?
Badbunny what u wanna hear?
Diiuck wake up
Ok sleep well
>>> Badbunny what u wanna hear? The truth 😂😇
The truth is hippo is mine
>>> The truth 😂😇 Im in love
>>> The truth is hippo is mine Yes
>>> SuS UwU
>>> Yes ❤️
He said whole story for a second
One day
Sleepy Dog, how’s the condition there ?
Ok now
But it was fuciing scary yesterday
No advance notification
We never thought about an earthquake.
I thought it was side effects of my second cup of coffee
I heard abouth that in the morning into news
Keep that azz safe
How strong was in your area ? Did you feel that much ?