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Юго-Восточная Азия/

AAsian and Foreigners 🌝

it is good but the erotic is hawt
describe pls
you notty tolak angin 💀🤣
No share pic in here?
nope feel free for you to drop here
You can, yeah
drop ur cc
Don't mean anyone else is sharing lol
CC ?
credit card 😭😭😭
cred card?😂
iknow hehehe
Hand over your details lol
Highway robbery at it's finest
it's only chicken robbery 🔫
Well i have no money to give
So you are leaving with empty pockets
I will steal from mint instead
Go ahead lol
im broke asf bbgirl🤣
Same 🤣🤣😬
i aint no have money and im poor 👁️👁️
I have no more dollars
why these animals lying. 😒
chicken and red bird is pricey and valueable go get em 🌚😂
I’m not gay
most valuable= skunk
hi Jimmy
why me you’ll be faint and passed out near me bbgirl😒😂
I dont lie about thatt
I won't breathe just to get to u 😮‍💨
Omg tolak angin 😩
im melting 😩🥺
Melt quietly