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Cute little bunny babies
Only if you pop them out from your ass
Coz I'm good with the doggos atm
I am not designed to do that
Can we support eachother here?
Emotionally? Sure
You're not getting my karma 😑😂
Yeah you can keep your karma
Only your karma
What else of a value is there 🤷🏼‍♀️
I wonder how much is vanilla in kg 😂
As much as a feather weighs ☺️
Lady baba bun
Yeah someone's said I look like you 😂
I wish I could add the pillow too
Pacifier and the pillow 🥺
Will look cool and cute
Too. Many. Bunnies.
That's never true
Why you up so early van
Damn I should probably go to sleep finally 😂
Good night Vani
You still up 😶
Yeah but if I'm lady baba bun then it's your fault
Wraps vani in blanket and pats**
Ok sleep now
We will fight for fault in morning
K fine
Remind me
I'll definitely forget
Sure sure 🤗
Cute lil bunny rest
I got 3 bunnies for today's dinner
Good morning ☺️
And it's still your fault
Soooo you're going to eat me? 😏
I mean 🥺