thrift stores and wholesale discount places are GREAT biatch
im not legally allowed to make any comments about weight control as advised by my therapist biatch
suck me off or something stop complaining biatch
i was talking to the bulldog dw but ill run us a bath for afterwards too if u would like biatch
i watched episode 2 of punisher and i ended up with bootblacking, humiliation, begging, and more in my notes app biatch
ive contented myself to being present but not included in situations like a simple dog biatch
not officially. in my brain he did tho biatch
the dog thing? or the boot thing? if its the boot thing im inhumanely jealous biatch
i wrote fanfiction of frank castle making someone beg him for the privilege of grinding on his boot, thats what "not officially" means ^_^ biatch
sorry for party rockin ig biatch
look at me, a whole commuter now biatch
with a train card and everything. i saw human excrement in the subway that makes it real now biatch
im beginning to see patterns and themes develop in my writing. dont know what to think about that. biatch
what if u block spam is that legal biatch
actually i dont even do that im too nosey i wanna see what theyll spam next biatch
incredible crunch cousins is the best thing ive heard all day ngl biatch
what in the world is a sockahadji biatch
at first the gummy was bunk but now i have no sense of taste and fresh paint smells like smushed ants biatch
anona is it over for me. it was only 10mgs biatch
im experiencing thoughts in ways i havent even concieved of being possible biatch
im not 12 im just autistic and poorly socialized biatch
could you have ur dad pee on me biatch
i cant even lie if i was outside id be yowling like a cat for some dck biatch
does anyone want to make a decision for me. a or b.... biatch